Book Chapter
Duarte Santos, J. (2022). The Role of Social Shopping in the Growth of Social Commerce. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 35-38). Porto. CEOS Edições,

The Role of Social Shopping in the Growth of Social Commerce
José Duarte Santos Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Social Shopping, Social Commerce
Compra Social, Comércio Social
Source Title Digital Marketing Trends
Date 2022
More and more companies seek to contact customers through various channels, provide new forms of interaction, allowing the customer to have integrated experiences, have access to products and services without great effort, and preferably be able to acquire them without having to change platforms or open a new window in the browser.
Duarte Santos, J. (2022). The Role of Social Shopping in the Growth of Social Commerce. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 35-38). Porto. CEOS Edições,
Título de Origem Digital Marketing Trends
Data 2022
More and more companies seek to contact customers through various channels, provide new forms of interaction, allowing the customer to have integrated experiences, have access to products and services without great effort, and preferably be able to acquire them without having to change platforms or open a new window in the browser.
Duarte Santos, J. (2022). The Role of Social Shopping in the Growth of Social Commerce. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 35-38). Porto. CEOS Edições,
REFERENCES Accessed 6 January, 2022
Santos, J. D., & Almeida, F. (2018). Marketing and Technologies Platforms in Smart F-Store. In Nilanjan Ray (Ed.), Managing Diversity, Innovation, and Infrastructure in Digital Business (pp. 139-159). IGI Global. http://doi. org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5993-1.ch007.
Statista (2022). Value of social commerce sales worldwide from 2020 to 2026. https://www.