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Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (2022). Digital Marketing Trends. Porto. CEOS Edições,

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Digital Marketing Trends

Pedro Mendonça (Org.), Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Sandrina Teixeira (Org.), Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal



Digital, Marketing, Trends

Digital, Marketing, Tendências

Date 2022


The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation, although it has already been underway in recent years. Currently, digitalization can be observed in several sectors, from services to industry, as well as from micro to large companies. Consequently, digital transformation increasingly assumes an essential role in the development of new business models and business growth. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows Portugal in 19th place in 2020 which is structurally lower than the European average (within a Europe of 28 countries). Also, a report from the Strategy and Studies Office of the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition reinforces the lower position of Portugal in the Internet usage rate (71% against 84% of the European Union average). Therefore, Portugal urgently needs to enhance the digital capacity of people and the digital transformation of companies. To face this strategic challenge and take the opportunities and trends that the digital world offers, companies must pay attention to the digital trends. In this respect, following digital trends is essential, namely, to help assess and define the way forward for business digitalization. In fact, technological and digital marketing developments, generally dictate the success of new digital marketing strategies. Although it is difficult to make accurate conjectures in this unpredictable environment (with a pandemic that insists on not ending and with an absurd war underway), the present book aims to point out and analyse some digital marketing trends that might impact the activity of the companies in the digital world in the near future. In practice, the objective of this book is to share with digital marketing specialists a set of different analyses from researchers with distinct backgrounds on the main digital marketing directions that will shape the strategies of the companies. The editors gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of the various authors and the support of the Centre for Social and Organizational Studies (CEOS) and supported by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.


Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (2022). Digital Marketing Trends. Porto. CEOS Edições,

Digital Marketing Trends
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Data 2022


The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation, although it has already been underway in recent years. Currently, digitalization can be observed in several sectors, from services to industry, as well as from micro to large companies. Consequently, digital transformation increasingly assumes an essential role in the development of new business models and business growth. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows Portugal in 19th place in 2020 which is structurally lower than the European average (within a Europe of 28 countries). Also, a report from the Strategy and Studies Office of the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition reinforces the lower position of Portugal in the Internet usage rate (71% against 84% of the European Union average). Therefore, Portugal urgently needs to enhance the digital capacity of people and the digital transformation of companies. To face this strategic challenge and take the opportunities and trends that the digital world offers, companies must pay attention to the digital trends. In this respect, following digital trends is essential, namely, to help assess and define the way forward for business digitalization. In fact, technological and digital marketing developments, generally dictate the success of new digital marketing strategies. Although it is difficult to make accurate conjectures in this unpredictable environment (with a pandemic that insists on not ending and with an absurd war underway), the present book aims to point out and analyse some digital marketing trends that might impact the activity of the companies in the digital world in the near future. In practice, the objective of this book is to share with digital marketing specialists a set of different analyses from researchers with distinct backgrounds on the main digital marketing directions that will shape the strategies of the companies. The editors gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of the various authors and the support of the Centre for Social and Organizational Studies (CEOS) and supported by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.


Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (2022). Digital Marketing Trends. Porto. CEOS Edições,

Digital Marketing Trends
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