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CEOS.PP approved by FCT

Within the scope of Evaluation of I&D Units 2017/2018, CEOS.PP - Centre for Organizational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto - was recently accredited by FCT within the scope of the application process for the Evaluation of I&D Units 2017/2018, having received the classification of GOOD in the area - Digital Services - Social, Cultural, Economic or of Public Administration.

This accreditation shows the recognition, by FCT and the international panel of evaluators, of the relevance of the plan and strategic research lines defined by CEOS.PP, as well as the work developed by its researchers, which resulted in the granting of a funding forecast for the 2020-2023 quadennium of 765 €.

The CEOS.PP research team aims to develop and promote digital skills and solutions that contribute to transforming traditional organisations into high-performance organisations in the digital economy era.

The mission of CEOS.PP comprises intervention in three dimensions: (1) promotion of inter and multidisciplinary I&D activities; (2) promotion of highly specialized consulting and innovative advanced training in the areas of: Management, Law, Communication, Education, Technologies and Information Systems; (3) active contribution to national and regional development, as well as to strengthening the competitiveness of the Portuguese Scientific and Higher Education System. The research activities are developed around 9 research lines: Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Digital Strategies for Marketing and Communication; Technologies and Information Systems in Organizations; Communication and Languages in Organizational Environments; Organizational and Social Development through Innovation; Organizational, Social and Learning Analytics; Social Economy; Human Resources: empowering people, organizations and communities; Accountability and Reporting. This result demonstrates the work capacity of CEOS.PP Researchers and places the I&D unit of ISCAP | P. Porto as a research reference in the area of social and organizational sciences.


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