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Engineering for Good: Including social perspective in engineering programmes

Name of the Project: ENGood - Engineering for Good: Including social perspective in engineering programmes

Project Number: 2023-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000155918

Project Coordinator: Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania)

Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project Lifetime: 1st of December 2023 until 30th of November 2026


Universidad de Vigo (Spain)

Universiteit Gent (Belgium)

Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)

"Graceland" (Poland)

Aims and Objectives: The project aims to build a training programme for a multidimensional development of technology courses that integrates the analysis and evaluation of engineering technologies from different perspectives: political, economic, and environmental. The ultimate goal of the project is to equip future engineers with the skills required for a comprehensive review of how new technologies, and even their commercialisation, can impact on personal, social, economic or political level.

Coordination of the project at ISCAP / Researchers involved:

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Fotografia investigador

Alexandra Albuquerque

Fotografia investigador

Maria Teresa Barros

Fotografia investigador

Paula Carvalho

Coordinator: Teresa Barros

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