Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates
Name of the Project: Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates
Project Number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032241
Project Coordinator: Universita degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy)
Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education
Project Lifetime: 1st of February 2022 until 1st of February 2025
Crs Laghi srl (Italy)
Panteio Panespistimio Koinonikon Kai Politikon Epistimon (Greece)
Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
Project Summary:
The DiFree projects intend to fill the gap between the academic knowledge and training offered today to HE students and the current needs of a volatile and rapidly changing job market, where flexibility and digitalisation are core competencies. For this reason, DiFree Consortium has an overall objective and several specific ones.
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: to provide HE students and graduates interested in the freelancing career with digital, entrepreneurial and job market relevant knowledge, training and education. Learning by doing methodology will be applied, also transversally integrating the activities with the involvement of companies relying on freelance work.
Coordination of the project at ISCAP / Researchers involved: