CEOS.PP and CLOE, in the framework of the events Seven Pieces: Many Faces of Digital Communication, organize the seminar "The Role of PR in the Digitization Age".
The event will take place on March 4, between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm, in ISCAP's Sala de Actos.
The central theme intends on addressing and debate experiences and concepts in the field of Public Relations. Guest speakers are Cristinao Fernandes (Ossür) and Miguel Araújo (SuperBock), Paulo Torcato (Enc. Energy) and Tiago Nogueira (EDIT). At the end there will be a moment of Networking among all participants.
Seven Pieces: Many Faces of Digital Communication - the variety of pieces that make up this event intends to account for the multiple potentials that Digital Communication can bring to Organizations. It results from the research work developed around Communication and Languages for Organizational Environments, thematic line of the CEOS.PP – Center for Organizational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto – which combines contributions from Communication Sciences and Language Sciences with a view to optimizing strategic organizational communication.
Seven Pieces is aimed at professionals, researchers, teachers and students, and is divided into seven moments of reflection on the verbal dimension and communicative processes in different multimodal contexts of digital communication.
Register HERE
