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Iolanda Valente

Associate Researcher

Concluded the Bachelor of Comparative Literature on 01/2003/16 at the University Fernando Pessoa. She is in charge of the Documentation and Information Centre at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto Accounting and Business School and is a senior technician at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto Accounting and Business School. Participated in 1 event. Supervised 2 works for the conclusion of a bachelor's degree. In her professional activities, she interacted with 1 collaborator in co-authorship of scientific works. In her Ciência Vitae curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Scientific research; Credible sources; APA; Quotes; B-on; Zotero; Scientific methodology; Quotes; Bibliographic references; and Researches.

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