Research Seminar: Combatting Global Malnutrition Through Cold Chain Infrastructure
Tue, 01 Oct
|(Grande Auditório ISCAP-IPP, Porto)

Time & Location
01 Oct 2024, 14:30
(Grande Auditório ISCAP-IPP, Porto)
About the Event
In October 2024, ISCAP-IPP (CEOS.PP) and ISCTE-IUL (BRU-IUL) will be visited by Professor Ian Thomson (University of Dundee) for two Research Seminars:
Research Seminar: Combatting Global Malnutrition through Cold Chain Infrastructure - Exploring the Contribution of Transformative Accounting and Finance
. 01/10/2024, 14h30 (Large Auditorium ISCAP-IPP, Porto)
Research Seminar: Developing Accounting for Sustainable Development through a Consideration of Interconnectivity - Methodological Challenges
. 03/10/2024, 12h30 (ISCTE-IUL)
Ian Thomson is Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at University of Dundee, having previously held chairs at Birmingham Business School, University of Strathclyde and Heriot-Watt University, Director of the Centre for Responsible Business and convenor of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research. Ian has been researching topics relating to responsibility, sustainability and accountability for over 30 years. This research has included studies on implementation of cleaner technology, effective stakeholder engagement, risk governance in water and salmon farming, sustainable development indicators, government policy making, climate change, effective pedagogy, use of accounting by activists, human rights, international development programmes and football clubs. His current projects include carbon accountability, operationalising the SDG for business and responsible business outcome measurement. He is the co-author of Urgent Business and a report Net Zero Accounting for a Net Zero UK and worked with Business in The Community to develop their Responsible Business Tracker.
The guest was an expert reviewer for the latest IPCC report, called as an expert witness to Scottish Parliament, advisor to Scottish Parliament’s Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change, and Cities and Infrastructure Committee, worked with CIMA, Sustainable Development Commission (Scotland), with The Princes Charity, as an accountability expert to UN World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organisation, advised large corporations on their sustainability strategy and reporting, advisor to professional accountancy bodies on all aspects of sustainability accounting. He has been a board member of charities including Friends of the Earth (Scotland), C-Change, deafscotland, Carboncopy and G17Eco. In 2019 he was awarded BAFA Distinguished Academic of the year. Prior to becoming an academic he worked as a management accountant for NHS Scotland and BBC Scotland.
The events are open to the general public.
Organizing Committee
Cláudia Teixeira, Maria João Major, Ana Isabel Lopes, Helena Isidro, José Vale e Luís Gomes