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Book Chapter


Cabral, J. A. (2022). The Rise of Video as a Marketing Tool. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 31-34). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente

The Rise of Video as a Marketing Tool

José Alexandre Cabral Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal



Video, video for social media, marketing tool

Vídeo, vídeo para redes sociais, ferramentas de marketing

Source Title Digital Marketing Trends

Date 2022


The benefit of digital video is instant access to all the media. The video for social media is the big brands have the resources to have videos everywhere. Video is a tool and can have many forms, such as product videos, explainer videos, onboarding videos, internal training videos, testimonial videos, promotional videos, company culture videos, video voicemails, sales presentations, social videos, teaser videos for social media, live streams, podcast videos, videos series, and full-length features and documentaries.


Cabral, J. A. (2022). The Rise of Video as a Marketing Tool. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 31-34). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Título de Origem Digital Marketing Trends

Data 2022


The benefit of digital video is instant access to all the media. The video for social media is the big brands have the resources to have videos everywhere. Video is a tool and can have many forms, such as product videos, explainer videos, onboarding videos, internal training videos, testimonial videos, promotional videos, company culture videos, video voicemails, sales presentations, social videos, teaser videos for social media, live streams, podcast videos, videos series, and full-length features and documentaries.


Cabral, J. A. (2022). The Rise of Video as a Marketing Tool. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 31-34). Porto. CEOS Edições,

REFERÊNCIAS Accessed 6 January, 2022 Accessed 6 January, 2022 Accessed 6 January, 2022 Accessed 8 January, 2022 Accessed 12 January, 2022 Accessed 16 January, 2022 Accessed 19 January, 2022 Accessed 20 January, 2022onsumers to profitable actions (Pulizzi, 2013).


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