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Book Chapter


Mendonça, P. (2022). Omnichannel Marketing Hubs. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 19-22). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente

Omnichannel Marketing Hubs

Pedro Mendonça Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal



Omnichannel, marketing hubs, hub omnichannel system

Omnicanal, hubs de marketing, sistema de hub omnicanal

Source Title Digital Marketing Trends

Date 2022


New skills and activities must be developed to be able to properly use intelligence systems, such as the omnichannel marketing hubs. One of the first steps to evolve in this digital transformation scenario is to recognize the importance of strategic data analysis in the decision-making process.


Mendonça, P. (2022). Omnichannel Marketing Hubs. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 19-22). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Título de Origem Digital Marketing Trends

Data 2022


New skills and activities must be developed to be able to properly use intelligence systems, such as the omnichannel marketing hubs. One of the first steps to evolve in this digital transformation scenario is to recognize the importance of strategic data analysis in the decision-making process.


Mendonça, P. (2022). Omnichannel Marketing Hubs. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 19-22). Porto. CEOS Edições,


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