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Book Chapter


Lima, A. M. (2022). Killing Marketing: When Brands Profit from Content Marketing Strategies. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 15-18). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente

Killing Marketing: When Brands Profit from Content Marketing Strategies

Ana Maria Lima Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal



Content marketing strategy, brands profit, relationships with audience

Estratégia de marketing de conteúdos, lucro das marcas, relações com o público

Source Title Digital Marketing Trends

Date 2022


Many brands still look at marketing the same way they did many years ago, missing the opportunity to build relationships with their audience, gain and build customer loyalty and, as this analysis shows, even be able to profit from their marketing actions. Owned media still have a structuring role, but this can also shift to a performance role and direct financial return for brands. Successful companies in this area start to benefit from the relationship with their audiences by finding different business horizons. Either way, the revolution in marketing is here, and content is at the heart of this revolution.


Lima, A. M. (2022). Killing Marketing: When Brands Profit from Content Marketing Strategies. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 15-18). Porto. CEOS Edições,

Título de Origem Digital Marketing Trends

Data 2022


Many brands still look at marketing the same way they did many years ago, missing the opportunity to build relationships with their audience, gain and build customer loyalty and, as this analysis shows, even be able to profit from their marketing actions. Owned media still have a structuring role, but this can also shift to a performance role and direct financial return for brands. Successful companies in this area start to benefit from the relationship with their audiences by finding different business horizons. Either way, the revolution in marketing is here, and content is at the heart of this revolution.


Lima, A. M. (2022). Killing Marketing: When Brands Profit from Content Marketing Strategies. In Silva, P. & Teixeira, S. (Orgs.). Digital Marketing Trends (pp. 15-18). Porto. CEOS Edições,


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