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Machado, R.B. et al. (editors) (2022). CIES 2022 – 5th International Congress of Social Economy, Book of Abstracts. Porto: Edições CEOS. ISBN: 978-989-53631-1-7,

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CIES 2022 – 5th International Congress of Social Economy, Book of Abstracts

Editores (membros da Comissão Organizadora): Ricardo BAHIA MACHADO, Ana Maria BANDEIRA, Paloma BEL DURÁN, Gustavo LEJARRIAGA PÉREZ DE LAS VACAS, Sonia MARTÍN LÓPEZ & Deolinda MEIRA



Social Economy, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Social Innovation

Economia Social, Empreendedorismo Social, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Inovação Social

Date 2022


Book of abstracts of the 5th International Congress of Social Economy, CIES 2022, under the main theme "Social Economy in a changing world", held at ISCAP, Polytechnic of Porto, on 26 and 27 May 2022


Machado, R.B. et al. (editors) (2022). CIES 2022 – 5th International Congress of Social Economy, Book of Abstracts. Porto: Edições CEOS. ISBN: 978-989-53631-1-7,

Data 2022


Livro de resumos do 5º Congresso Internacional de Economia Social, CEIS 2022, subordinado ao tema "Economia Social num mundo em mudança", que teve lugar no ISCAP, Politécnico do Porto, a 26 e 27 de maio de 2022.


Machado, R.B. et al. (editors) (2022). CIES 2022 – 5th International Congress of Social Economy, Book of Abstracts. Porto: Edições CEOS. ISBN: 978-989-53631-1-7,


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ISBN 978-989-53631-1-7


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