Using Profiling and Publishing for the upping of Scientific Approaches
Name of the Project: UPPScience – Using Profiling and Publishing for the upping of Scientific Approaches
Project Number: 2016-1-NO01-KA202-022060
Project Coordinator: NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universiter (Norway)
Type of Project: ERASMUS+ (Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Development of Innovation)
Project Lifetime: 1st of October 2016 until 31st of March 2019 (30 months)
NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universiter (Norway)
VisMedNet Association (Malta)
Akdeniz University (Turkey)
Stucom SA (Spain)
CIPFPM – Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Spain)
Associazione ValIda (Italy)
Colegiul National "Ecaterina Teodoroiu" (Romania)
AMRA Information Technology (Palestine)
MedExport – Consorzio Med Europe Export (Italy)
CEEI Burgos – Asociacion para la Gestion del Centro Europeo de Empreses e Innovacion de Burgos (Spain)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
ISIS Archimede (Italy)
Sehit Ridvan Suer Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
Asachi – Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Asachi Botosani (Romania)
University of Uşak (Turkey)
Zespol – Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych w Suchej Beskidzkiej (Poland) Colegiul Tehnic "LETEA" Bacau (Romania)
EPAL – 1o Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Axioupolis (Greece)
Isparta İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey)
Liceo Scientifico Statale S. Cannizzaro (Italy)
Liceo Scientifico Statale G. Battaglini (Italy)
Goynuk Fen Lisesi (Turkey)
HORIZONTAL: Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency in education and training
VET: Further developing quality assurance mechanisms in VET
Aims and Objectives: UPPScience was conceived as a sustainable further development of another Erasmus+ KA2 VET called VISConti that, under the leadership of NTNU and with the presence of various partners of this current proposal, created a Community of Practice (CoP) between players in VET, HE and the Industry. This proposal will build on the CoP and the digital platform created by VISConti in order that it may:
- widen the scope and mission of the CoP,
- augment the services and functions of the platform to include publishing and new aspects of profiling that are at the core of UPPScience
- bring into the CoP a larger number of managers and teachers / trainers in VET, students in HE of STEM and IT as well as other disciplines that have an effect on or are affected by the science world.
Coordination of the project at ISCAP / Researchers involved:

Anabela Mesquita

Paula Peres
Project's website: