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Kick-off of the BUiLD Project

Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience

The kick-off meeting of the BUiLD - Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience project, financed with about 980 thousand euros by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA2 - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education, took place in early December in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The Polytechnic of Porto is part of a consortium of four European institutions whose mission is to enable the Indonesian higher education system in its resilience to natural disasters.

The survey of training needs, the design of the training program, its development in virtual reality and individual training for psychosocial intervention in crisis and disaster situations will be under the respective responsibility of ISCAP, Center for Organizational and Social Studies and ESS, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory, Rehabilitation Research Center.


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