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Indústria 4.0

No próximo dia 21 de novembro de 2018, realizar-se-á, na Sala de Leitura Informal da Biblioteca do ISCAP, pelas12h00, um seminário subordinado ao tema "Industria 4.0: Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação".


Orador/Speaker Manuel Pérez Cota

Professor and Researcher at the state-owned university Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO), Vigo, Spain. Graduated with honors in Electrical Engineering (Universidad La Salle) and Electronics and Communications Engineering (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, 1980), a PhD with honors in Industrial Engineering (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1990). Director of the international research group SI1-GEAC (


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