Distinction awarded by the Board of Directors of the School of Cooperative Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid

The Board of Directors of the School of Cooperative Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid has decided to award Doctor Deolinda Meira, head of the CEOS.PP Research Line in Social Economy, with the "Award for the best teaching and research career", for her extensive career as a teacher and researcher, in which stands out, along with her teaching of Commercial and Cooperative Law, the direction of the Master in Management and Corporate Legal Framework of the Social Economy, since 2019, as well as her participation in fifteen R&D projects in Portugal and Spain, and in European projects.
Author of more than one hundred and fifty publications, she belongs to the editorial board of numerous specialized journals in Social Economy. Member of EESCOOP (Escuela de Economía Social, Cooperativas y Otras Organizaciones de Participación), RULESCOOP (Red Universitaria Euro-Latino-Americana en Economia Social e Solidaria) and CIRIEC (Centro Internacional de Pesquisa e Informação sobre Economia Pública, Social e Cooperativa), she was also awarded the Personality of the Social Economy Award 2022 - Career Honours, promoted by CASES.
The award ceremony will take place at the Conference promoted by EEESCOP, on 24 March, at the Complutense University of Madrid.