A project promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Cordoba, Argentina, through the Cordoba Blockchain HUB and the Regional Faculty of Cordoba of UTN, has been selected and will be funded by the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED).
The initiative is related to the formation of the first Ibero-American Blockchain and Cybersecurity Network (RIBCI) that will be coordinated by the CIDS Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies Lab (CIDS Blockchain Lab) of the Regional Faculty of the National Technological University of Cordoba and composed of 13 research groups and 4 institutions from eight Ibero-American countries.
The activities of the Network include comparative studies and research in Ibero-America of the technical-legal framework of Blockchain technologies and Cybersecurity, training of new talents, university-government-corporate links, modelling of smart contracts, case studies of the use of traceability and virtual criminal scenarios, and even forensic tools and techniques applicable to the extraction and analysis of evidence based on Blockchain technologies.
These activities aim to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, promoting innovation through the application of Blockchain and Cybersecurity technologies, within solid and equitable regulatory frameworks, to strengthen human capital and transfer to strategic productive and government sectors in Ibero-American countries.
The Centro de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociais do Politécnico do Porto (CEOS.PP), research centre of the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP), is one of the founding members of RIBCI. The project is coordinated by Mr. Oscar Medina from the UTN - Regional Faculty of Córdoba and will be integrated by: Argentina: Asociación de Frigorificos y Industriales de Carnes, Cámara Argentina del Amendoin, Universidad de Defensa Nacional UNDEF, Universidad Católica de Córdoba and the Universidad Católica de Salta; Portugal: Centro de Estudios Organizacionales y Social del Politécnico do Porto (CEOS. PP), Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP) and the Young Farmers Association of Portugal; Panama: Universidad Tecnológica de Panama; Colombia: Universidad Libre, Cali Section; Spain: Universidad de Vigo; Chile: Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile; El Salvador: Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas; and Uruguay: Cooperación Latinoamericana de Redes Avanzadas REDCLARA.

The Network will operate during the first year with a budget of 15,000 euros and its funding will be automatically renewed for the next 4 years.
This support from the Ibero-American programme for the promotion of S&T in Ibero-America reflects the enormous interest that the region's scientific community has shown in the knowledge potential in the field of Blockchain existing in the province of Córdoba since the creation of the CÓRDOBA BLOCKCHAIN HUB and the ecosystem of companies that provide technological solutions in this field.
Project activities for the full duration:
● Formation of the first research network of its kind
● Research and publication of articles
● Comparative studies
● Case studies
● Human resources training courses
● Organisation of awareness and articulation workshops between the academic, public and productive sectors