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Social economy in the digital context Seminar

Wed, 11 Jul


Grand Auditorium, ISCAP

Organized by Research Scopes on "Social Economy" and "Accountability and Repporting" of CEOS.PP

Social economy in the digital context Seminar
Social economy in the digital context Seminar

Time & Location

11 Jul 2018, 15:00

Grand Auditorium, ISCAP

About the Event

Seminar on the theme "The social economy in the digital context: challenges and opportunities", featuring the following speakers:

Eduardo Graça (President of CASES) – Opening Session

Mariana Curado Malta (ISCAP/CEOS.PP) – “A Economia Social e os dados ligados e abertos (Linked Open Data): status quo e trabalho futuro"

Augusta Ferreira (University of Aveiro) – “Promover a accountability no setor da economia social: o caso das IPSS”

Francisco Torres (University of Vigo/CEOS.PP) – “Cooperativismo versus Economia colaborativa: oportunidades e ameaças”


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