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New Technologies Applied to Digital Marketing

Sat, 17 Nov


Grand Auditorium, ISCAP

Conferences of the Master in Digital Marketing 2018, whose theme is New Technologies applied to Digital Marketing - Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Neuromarketing.

New Technologies Applied to Digital Marketing
New Technologies Applied to Digital Marketing

Time & Location

17 Nov 2018, 09:30 – 13:30

Grand Auditorium, ISCAP

About the Event


We invite the academic community of ISCAP and P.Porto to participate in the 2018 edition of the Digital Marketing Conferences at ISCAP Grand Auditorium, on November 17th, between 9h30 and 13h00.

In the opening session it will be present the President of ISCAP - Fernando Magalhães and the Board of CEOS.PP.

The first communication will be made by Haroldo Sato, who will present the theme "Innovative Activation of Digital Marketing using Virtual Reality - business cases with global brands".

The second communication will be made by Luís Martins, who will talk about "Communication in Multiverse - Augmented Reality".

A terceira apresentação será da responsabilidade de Julien Diogo que irá abordar o tema "A Neurociência Aplicada ao Serviço do Marketing Digital".

The third presentation will be held by Julien Diogo who will address the theme "Neuroscience Applied to the Service of Digital Marketing".

At the end there will be a debate with the three speakers moderated by João Azevedo, researcher in the area of Augmented and Virtual Reality.

The seminar is intended for students in the area of marketing and related areas, teachers, professionals in the area and general public.

There will be delivered Participation Certificates

Join us!

Registration Here


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