I Social Economy Summit - Current Trends and Future Prospects.
Fri, 12 Jan
|ISCAP'S Grand Auditorium
This event is part of the Master's Degree in Management and the Legal-Business Regime of the Social Economy and is organised by the 2nd year students of the Master's Degree.

Time & Location
12 Jan 2024, 09:00
ISCAP'S Grand Auditorium
About the Event
On 12 January 2024, the l Social Economy Summit - Current Trends and Future Prospects will be held in the Grand Auditorium of the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto - ISCAP.
This event is part of the Master's Degree in Management and the Legal - Business Regime of the Social Economy and its organisation is the responsibility of the 2nd year students of this Master's Degree.
The event's objectives are:
(i) to give the social economy sector a higher profile and visibility;
(ii) to create a space for discussion and sharing of perspectives, experiences, good practices and testimonies on the main problems and challenges facing entities in the social economy sector in Portugal and around the world.
To this end, it will be attended by a prestigious group of speakers from the academy and from organisations in the social economy sector, the public sector and the private sector.
The programme also includes the launch of an E-BOOK entitled "INSPIRING PRACTICES FOR HR MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOCIAL ECONOMY ORGANISATIONS", which is the result of studies carried out by the students of the Master's Degree in Management and Business Legal Regime of the Social Economy, under the direction of its Scientific Committee, and which has the support of CEOS.PP.
This is an extremely important event because it:
(i) involves academia and a number of key players in the discussion and possible construction of solutions to the main problems and challenges faced by social economy entities;
(ii) brings the social economy sector, the public sector and the private sector into dialogue;
(iii) highlights the Master's in Social Economy Management and Business Legal Regime's concern to develop its students' skills in organising events, networking and approaching the social economy sector.
Although registration is free, the Summit is a charity event and participants will be asked to make a donation of non-perishable food to be distributed to social economy organisations.
Below is the programme and registration link, which is mandatory: https://summites.xyz/