Tue, 19 Nov
Seminars from the HR SHARING conferences cycle.

Time & Location
19 Nov 2019, 18:30 – 22:30
About the Event
During the October month, several seminars from the HR SHARING conferences cycle will be held at ISCAP. These events are organized in partnership between the Human Resources undergraduate programme and the Masters Programme in Human Resources Development, as well as the Human Resources research scope from CEOS.PP.
Orctober 7th
Social Entrepreneurship promotion guidelines · Manuel Maio, CASES - Cooperativa António Sérgio para a Economia Social
08h30 - Room 202
October 14th
E-learning: skills and requirements for sucess · Dra. Paula Peres, Coordenadora da Unidade de e-Learning Inovação Pedagógica P.Porto e Lino Oliveira, Pró-Presidente P.Porto · Sistemas de Informação
15h30 - Room 226
October 15th
Case study: training at Infineon · Miguel Carrapatoso, HR Business Partner Infineon Technologies Shared Services
10h00 - Room 223.2
October 18th
Cohesion and social policies in EU · João Faria, Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal
08h30 - Room 011
October 21st
Social Economy and dignified work · Ana Paula Rosa, OIT
08h30 - Room 202
October 28th
A training company's activity: ICONE · Dra. Cristina Ramos, Diretora Geral ICON
15h30 - Room 223.2
November 19th
Remote working: what is it and to implement it · Gonçalo Hall, Fundador do Remote Work Movement e Consultor de empresas na implementação de Trabalho Remoto
18h30 - Anfiteatro I
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