Audit Society Goes Viral: The Rise of the Online Auditor
quarta, 19/02

Data & Localização
19/02/2025, 09:30
Sobre o Evento
Ingrid Jeacle dinamiza o seminário 'Audit Society Goes Viral: The Rise of the Online Auditor', que decorrerá em formato online no âmbito do ciclo The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series. O evento decorre no dia 19 de fevereiro, pelas 9:30, em formato online.
'Audit Society Goes Viral: The Rise of the Online Auditor' decorre no âmbito das atividades desenvolvidas pelo CEOS.PP e integra as atividades das unidades curriculares das Licenciaturas em Contabilidade e Administração, em Assessoria e Tradução e em Comunicação Empresarial e dos Mestrados em Contabilidade e Finanças, em Finanças Empresariais, em Auditoria e em Gestão e Regime Jurídico-Empresarial da Economia Social do ISCAP.
A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Ingrid Jeacle trained as a chartered accountant with KPMG before pursuing an academic career. Ingrid joined the University of Edinburgh in 2000. She is currently an Associate Editor of Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal and Financial Accountability and Management and previously served as an Editor of Contemporary Accounting Research and an Associate Editor of the European Accounting Review. Ingrid is also on the Editorial Advisory Panel of Accounting History and a member of the Editorial Boards of Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, and Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management. Ingrid is a founding member of the School's Culture, Accounting & Society (CAS) Research Network. She received the 2019 AAAJ Hall of Fame Award for her contribution to interdisciplinary accounting. Ingrid was a Visiting Professor at the South East Technological University (Ireland) in 2022 and 2023.
Ingrid's research seeks to broaden the scope of accounting scholarship by recognising the richness in exploring the inter-linkages between accounting and popular culture. Traditionally regarded as trivial and unworthy of academic attention, research into the regular rituals that pervade the everyday is now a legitimate field of scholarly inquiry among social theorists. Such an investigation should reap rich returns in not only furthering an understanding of accounting, but also the ways and means in which accounting practices and notions of accountability permeate our everyday lives. Ingrid has guest edited special issues on this research theme for Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2012), Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2016), Management Accounting Research (2017) and Accounting History (2021).
Cláudia Teixeira